Need some vintage country photos for your next project and can’t get out of the city? We’ve got you covered!
This royalty-free, filter-friendly stock photography set features some beat-up, rusty cars, a boat graveyard, a doorway that’s seen better days, and a forgotten tree in the distance of a golden wheat field. It’s nature. It’s American, through and through. The filters used to combine some of my favorite Photoshop actions and custom tweaking to get the desired effect. In the days of pop-photo-pay-sites like, it’s nice to have just some plain and simple, filter-rich photography at your fingertips.
These images are licensed as Creative Commons images, so only attribution is required (more info in the link below). We aim to provide the web community with images that will work in high-impact visual areas on your site, such as full-width sliders or banners, featured image areas, post inclusion, and more.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please link to this page when providing image attribution.